International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science

Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024

  • Review Article

    The Effect of Climate Change on Soil Health: A Review

    Zinash Nigussie*

    Issue: Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
    Pages: 52-58
    Received: 4 June 2024
    Accepted: 29 June 2024
    Published: 15 August 2024
    Abstract: The phrase "soil health" mentions to the entire functionality of the soil as determined by the biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of the soil that are necessary for long-term, sustainable agricultural production by little impact on the environment. The ability of soil to carry out environmental and agronomic tasks, such as biomass p... Show More
  • Research Article

    The Current Status and Development Trend of Water Control Technology for Horizontal Wells

    Du Weigang*

    Issue: Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024
    Pages: 59-65
    Received: 28 June 2024
    Accepted: 25 July 2024
    Published: 20 August 2024
    Abstract: In the advancement of bottom water reservoir development, water breakthrough poses a significant challenge to the productivity of oil and gas wells, underscoring the paramount importance of effective water control strategies. Given the intricate nature of the factors leading to reservoir water breakthrough, a one-size-fits-all approach to water man... Show More